Welcome to Thrybergh Academy Careers Advice and Support.
The Careers Office is located on the first floor. Through the Careers Office, we can offer you a range of opportunities to plan and research your future study/employment options. Please drop by at any time if you need any support or guidance, or alternatively contact us by email using the details below.
Mrs Jill Leaning
- Tel. 01709 850471 Ex-230
Mrs T Wootton
Associate Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development and Careers
- 01709 850471
We have designed a careers curriculum that values the development of the ‘able’ as much as it does ‘qualified’. We believe that both are equally important to our students in order for them to be equipped to play their full part in the world. As a Trust, we want to develop a range of attributes, skills, and behaviours that can be encouraged in the early stages of a child’s life that will leave them in the best possible position as they begin their transitions to secondary education and to future life. We believe the careers curriculum should be tailored to the school’s local context by addressing typical gaps in students’ knowledge and skills. ‘Career’ describes our journey through life, learning and work. We need to actively develop our careers to make the best of them. This process of career development takes skill as well as knowledge and the right attitude. Individuals need to work on their career development skills throughout their lives. A ‘positive career’ will mean something different to everyone, but it will typically include being happy with the way we spend our time, being able to make a contribution to our community and being able to have a decent standard of living.

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Our careers curriculum ensures all students have the opportunity to explore the following learning areas as set out by the CDI:
• Grow throughout life – by learning and reflecting on yourself, your background and your
• Explore possibilities – explore the full range of possibilities open to you and learn about
recruitment processes and the culture of different workplaces
• Manage career – manage your career actively, make the most of opportunities and learn
from setbacks
• Create opportunities – create opportunities by being proactive and building positive
relationships with others
• Balance life and work – balance your life as a worker and/or entrepreneur with your
wellbeing other interests and involvement with your family and community
• See the big picture – by paying attention to how the economy, politics and society connect
with your own life and careers
Careers in the Curriculum
For the month of January, we explored the different careers in Science. Click HERE to see a round up of what we looked at.
Curriculum Newsletter
Latest Careers News

Careers in the Curriculum – English, Drama and History
At Wickersley Partnership Trust, it is our number one priority to prepare our students for life and there is nothing more

South Yorkshire Police Cadet Recruitment
South Yorkshire Police will be recruiting cadets this year. The application form will be available from 1st April until 30th

National Careers Week 2022 – Activities to Join
Throughout National Careers Week, there are lots of activities to get involved with. View the poster below to see what

The Parents’ Guide to National Careers Week 2022
This week is National Careers Week (#NCW2022)! There are plenty of resources for students and parents around the week –

WPT’s 12 Careers of Christmas
As we approach Christmas, we’ve picked out 12 careers that bring joy to people and ensure the festive period runs
Careers Information
Strategic Goals
How the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils
- Activity is evaluated by students on an individual basis.
- Overall provision and ideas for improvement are tabled and discussed as agenda items at Student Council.
- Provision is assessed against the national Gatsby Benchmarks and areas for development are identified.
- Careers and employability provision is also informed through annual individual student surveys asking respondents to identify areas of interest and support needed – this information is then used to support individuals and plan provisions such as trips to specific places of learning or employment.
- Provision is also informed through the sharing of good practice through local careers network meetings, the enterprise adviser network that the school is a part of and the professional development of the Careers Leader.
KS4 Destinations
Total number of School leavers | Total Full Time Education | School Sixth Form | Sixth Form College | Further Education | Apprenticeships | Full Time Training | Employment without Training | Current Activity not Established | NEETS |
All Leavers July 2021 | 81 | N/A | 24 | 45 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
All Leavers July 2022 | 103 | N/A | 40 | 46 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Our Careers information will next be reviewed in September 2024.